"Autumn is calling" Bouquet
"Autumn is calling" Bouquet
Hint to Flowers
An exquisite combination of warm shades that brings brightness and romance to the atmosphere. Coral dahlias with their lush, multi-layered petals create the effect of volume and dynamics. Their rich color gives the bouquet liveliness and energy. Unusual French roses add softness and tenderness and their exquisite shade harmoniously combines with coral dahlias, creating a perfect bouquet. Autumn foliage and Birds of Paradise create a cozy autumn atmosphere and elegance to the bouquet.
Add to favorite to not lose!
Do not remove the wrapping paper from the bouquet, so then flowers will live longer
Change the cold water in a vase every day
Keep the vase clean
Cut the stem of each flower every two days
Keep the bouquet out of a direct sun, drafts and heaters
Add the flower food 2-3 days after you’ve bought your bouquet (We add the flower food to every bouquet)