"Autumn Dawn" Bouquet
"Autumn Dawn" Bouquet
Hint to Flowers
This bouquet, made up of roses, hydrangeas, spray roses, stipa and lisianthus, embodies the sophistication of nature. The roses with their velvety petals and unusual shades add a touch of sophistication and nobility to the composition. White and pink hydrangea, with its lush inflorescences, symbolize generosity and richness of emotions, filling the bouquet with volume and softness. Lisianthus and stipa bring a touch of freshness and elegance.
Do not remove the wrapping paper from the bouquet, so then flowers will live longer
Change the cold water in a vase every day
Keep the vase clean
Cut the stem of each flower every two days
Keep the bouquet out of a direct sun, drafts and heaters
Add the flower food 2-3 days after you’ve bought your bouquet (We add the flower food to every bouquet)